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VideoFile extends File and provides additional methods for working with video files.

VideoFile instances are created when a DataChain is initialized from storage with the type="video" parameter:

import datachain as dc

chain = dc.from_storage("s3://bucket-name/", type="video")

There are additional models for working with video files:

  • VideoFrame - represents a single frame of a video file.
  • VideoFragment - represents a fragment of a video file.

These are virtual models that do not create physical files. Instead, they are used to represent the data in the VideoFile these models are referring to. If you need to save the data, you can use the save method of these models, allowing you to save data locally or upload it to a storage service.



Bases: File

A data model for handling video files.

This model inherits from the File model and provides additional functionality for reading video files, extracting video frames, and splitting videos into fragments.

Source code in datachain/lib/
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    self._catalog = None
    self._caching_enabled: bool = False


get_fragment(start: float, end: float) -> VideoFragment

Returns a video fragment from the specified time range.


  • start (float) –

    The start time of the fragment in seconds.

  • end (float) –

    The end time of the fragment in seconds.


  • VideoFragment ( VideoFragment ) –

    A Model representing the video fragment.

Source code in datachain/lib/
def get_fragment(self, start: float, end: float) -> "VideoFragment":
    Returns a video fragment from the specified time range.

        start (float): The start time of the fragment in seconds.
        end (float): The end time of the fragment in seconds.

        VideoFragment: A Model representing the video fragment.
    if start < 0 or end < 0 or start >= end:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid time range: ({start:.3f}, {end:.3f})")

    return VideoFragment(video=self, start=start, end=end)


    duration: float,
    start: float = 0,
    end: Optional[float] = None,
) -> Iterator[VideoFragment]

Splits the video into multiple fragments of a specified duration.


  • duration (float) –

    The duration of each video fragment in seconds.

  • start (float, default: 0 ) –

    The starting time in seconds (default: 0).

  • end (float, default: None ) –

    The ending time in seconds. If None, the entire remaining video is processed (default: None).



If end is not specified, number of frames will be taken from the video file, this means video file needs to be downloaded.

Source code in datachain/lib/
def get_fragments(
    duration: float,
    start: float = 0,
    end: Optional[float] = None,
) -> "Iterator[VideoFragment]":
    Splits the video into multiple fragments of a specified duration.

        duration (float): The duration of each video fragment in seconds.
        start (float): The starting time in seconds (default: 0).
        end (float, optional): The ending time in seconds. If None, the entire
                               remaining video is processed (default: None).

        Iterator[VideoFragment]: An iterator yielding video fragments.

        If end is not specified, number of frames will be taken from the video file,
        this means video file needs to be downloaded.
    if duration <= 0:
        raise ValueError("duration must be a positive float")
    if start < 0:
        raise ValueError("start must be a non-negative float")

    if end is None:
        end = self.get_info().duration

    if end < 0:
        raise ValueError("end must be a non-negative float")
    if start >= end:
        raise ValueError("start must be less than end")

    while start < end:
        yield self.get_fragment(start, min(start + duration, end))
        start += duration


get_frame(frame: int) -> VideoFrame

Returns a specific video frame by its frame number.


  • frame (int) –

    The frame number to read.


  • VideoFrame ( VideoFrame ) –

    Video frame model.

Source code in datachain/lib/
def get_frame(self, frame: int) -> "VideoFrame":
    Returns a specific video frame by its frame number.

        frame (int): The frame number to read.

        VideoFrame: Video frame model.
    if frame < 0:
        raise ValueError("frame must be a non-negative integer")

    return VideoFrame(video=self, frame=frame)


    start: int = 0, end: Optional[int] = None, step: int = 1
) -> Iterator[VideoFrame]

Returns video frames from the specified range in the video.


  • start (int, default: 0 ) –

    The starting frame number (default: 0).

  • end (int, default: None ) –

    The ending frame number (exclusive). If None, frames are read until the end of the video (default: None).

  • step (int, default: 1 ) –

    The interval between frames to read (default: 1).



If end is not specified, number of frames will be taken from the video file, this means video file needs to be downloaded.

Source code in datachain/lib/
def get_frames(
    start: int = 0,
    end: Optional[int] = None,
    step: int = 1,
) -> "Iterator[VideoFrame]":
    Returns video frames from the specified range in the video.

        start (int): The starting frame number (default: 0).
        end (int, optional): The ending frame number (exclusive). If None,
                             frames are read until the end of the video
                             (default: None).
        step (int): The interval between frames to read (default: 1).

        Iterator[VideoFrame]: An iterator yielding video frames.

        If end is not specified, number of frames will be taken from the video file,
        this means video file needs to be downloaded.
    from .video import validate_frame_range

    start, end, step = validate_frame_range(self, start, end, step)

    for frame in range(start, end, step):
        yield self.get_frame(frame)


get_info() -> Video

Retrieves metadata and information about the video file.


  • Video ( Video ) –

    A Model containing video metadata such as duration, resolution, frame rate, and codec details.

Source code in datachain/lib/
def get_info(self) -> "Video":
    Retrieves metadata and information about the video file.

        Video: A Model containing video metadata such as duration,
               resolution, frame rate, and codec details.
    from .video import video_info

    return video_info(self)


Bases: DataModel

A data model for representing a video frame.

This model inherits from the VideoFile model and adds a frame attribute, which represents a specific frame within a video file. It allows access to individual frames and provides functionality for reading and saving video frames as image files.


  • video (VideoFile) –

    The video file containing the video frame.

  • frame (int) –

    The frame number referencing a specific frame in the video file.


get_np() -> ndarray

Returns a video frame from the video file as a NumPy array.


  • ndarray ( ndarray ) –

    A NumPy array representing the video frame, in the shape (height, width, channels).

Source code in datachain/lib/
def get_np(self) -> "ndarray":
    Returns a video frame from the video file as a NumPy array.

        ndarray: A NumPy array representing the video frame,
                 in the shape (height, width, channels).
    from .video import video_frame_np

    return video_frame_np(, self.frame)


read_bytes(format: str = 'jpg') -> bytes

Returns a video frame from the video file as image bytes.


  • format (str, default: 'jpg' ) –

    The desired image format (e.g., 'jpg', 'png'). Defaults to 'jpg'.


  • bytes ( bytes ) –

    The encoded video frame as image bytes.

Source code in datachain/lib/
def read_bytes(self, format: str = "jpg") -> bytes:
    Returns a video frame from the video file as image bytes.

        format (str): The desired image format (e.g., 'jpg', 'png').
                      Defaults to 'jpg'.

        bytes: The encoded video frame as image bytes.
    from .video import video_frame_bytes

    return video_frame_bytes(, self.frame, format)


save(output: str, format: str = 'jpg') -> ImageFile

Saves the current video frame as an image file.

If output is a remote path, the image file will be uploaded to remote storage.


  • output (str) –

    The destination path, which can be a local file path or a remote URL.

  • format (str, default: 'jpg' ) –

    The image format (e.g., 'jpg', 'png'). Defaults to 'jpg'.


  • ImageFile ( ImageFile ) –

    A Model representing the saved image file.

Source code in datachain/lib/
def save(self, output: str, format: str = "jpg") -> "ImageFile":
    Saves the current video frame as an image file.

    If `output` is a remote path, the image file will be uploaded to remote storage.

        output (str): The destination path, which can be a local file path
                      or a remote URL.
        format (str): The image format (e.g., 'jpg', 'png'). Defaults to 'jpg'.

        ImageFile: A Model representing the saved image file.
    from .video import save_video_frame

    return save_video_frame(, self.frame, output, format)


Bases: DataModel

A data model for representing a video fragment.

This model inherits from the VideoFile model and adds start and end attributes, which represent a specific fragment within a video file. It allows access to individual fragments and provides functionality for reading and saving video fragments as separate video files.


  • video (VideoFile) –

    The video file containing the video fragment.

  • start (float) –

    The starting time of the video fragment in seconds.

  • end (float) –

    The ending time of the video fragment in seconds.


    output: str, format: Optional[str] = None
) -> VideoFile

Saves the video fragment as a new video file.

If output is a remote path, the video file will be uploaded to remote storage.


  • output (str) –

    The destination path, which can be a local file path or a remote URL.

  • format (str, default: None ) –

    The output video format (e.g., 'mp4', 'avi'). If None, the format is inferred from the file extension.


  • VideoFile ( VideoFile ) –

    A Model representing the saved video file.

Source code in datachain/lib/
def save(self, output: str, format: Optional[str] = None) -> "VideoFile":
    Saves the video fragment as a new video file.

    If `output` is a remote path, the video file will be uploaded to remote storage.

        output (str): The destination path, which can be a local file path
                      or a remote URL.
        format (str, optional): The output video format (e.g., 'mp4', 'avi').
                                If None, the format is inferred from the
                                file extension.

        VideoFile: A Model representing the saved video file.
    from .video import save_video_fragment

    return save_video_fragment(, self.start, self.end, output, format)


Bases: DataModel

A data model representing metadata for a video file.


  • width (int) –

    The width of the video in pixels. Defaults to -1 if unknown.

  • height (int) –

    The height of the video in pixels. Defaults to -1 if unknown.

  • fps (float) –

    The frame rate of the video (frames per second). Defaults to -1.0 if unknown.

  • duration (float) –

    The total duration of the video in seconds. Defaults to -1.0 if unknown.

  • frames (int) –

    The total number of frames in the video. Defaults to -1 if unknown.

  • format (str) –

    The format of the video file (e.g., 'mp4', 'avi'). Defaults to an empty string.

  • codec (str) –

    The codec used for encoding the video. Defaults to an empty string.